3 Ingredient Christmas Candy Cane Treats


3 Ingredient Christmas Candy Cane Treats

*WARNING* These are Dangerously Addictive!

These little 3 ingredient treats are so delicious and so incredibly easy to make. The best part is that they require minimal ingredients and no bake time! If you’re anything like me then you’re always busy and getting caught up doing like ten things at once, haha. With that being said, these are the perfect treats to make for my busy, on the go women. The only downside is that they will be just about gone in the same amount of time it took to make them, haha! Seriously though, it is nearly impossible to tell yourself you will only have one;) They’re super light and airy, so hey, I can’t blame ya. So, let’s get into it!


Prep Time

-25 to 30 minutes


1.) Lay out your parchment paper on 2 cookie sheets

2.) Melt your bag of chocolate chips in a saucepan on low to medium heat, so your chocolate doesn’t burn. Keep stirring until all is melted and smooth

3.) Place your candy canes into a plastic baggy (maybe two in case the first bag breaks open) and start crushing the candy canes into tiny parcels. Enough to not hurt your teeth, lol!

4.) Start drizzling your chocolate over your crackers

5.) Then drizzle your candy cane pieces over the crackers

6.) Finally, let your treats cool, and the chocolate harden completely. I put our trays out in the garage because it was cold enough to for an hour.

7.) Eat & enjoy!

These little treats are super easy to make, bring to any party or gathering, and share with neighbors. My family and I finished these off in 2 days! If you make these, tag me in the pictures, I’d love to see how y’alls turned out!
