The Saran Wrap Ball Game


The Saran Wrap Ball Game

This is the ultimate Christmas Eve game & you will definitely want to add this to the list of Christmas Eve traditions and activities! Just trust me.

Last year I saw a girl on Instagram that I follow post a video of this insane game that her family was playing. It looked like it got pretty competitive and hilarious, so I figured I would look it up this year and see what all the hype was about! I am SO glad I did. My family and I had the best time playing this game. It got really competitive really quick, and full of fun and laughs.

You want to fill the ball with lots of fun treats and goodies. That’s what makes this an intense and fast game, as you want to unwrap layer after layer to get to the good prizes before the player next to you rolls a pair of doubles!

The more people you have playing the better. We had 5 playing, and it went over really well. I got the ball prepped and ready to go after we ate dinner on Christmas Eve. I will be honest it took a while to wrap up all the treats with only 2 full rolls of Saran Wrap. Our game took us maybe 5ish minutes to play. So, for next year I will definitely use all 6 rolls of wrap like I bought this year, and buy more goodies/prizes. This will elongate the game, and more people will be able to win some fun stuff! This time around was a learning curve for sure, but now I know for next year!

My mom and I bought a ton of cheap lotto tickets, a couple of full-size bags of beef jerky, a lot of beef jerky bars, gift cards, gum, mints/tic tacs, candy, chocolates, hot chocolate, etc. The more the merrier. It also depends on the age ranges you have playing. If you have some young ones playing then you could add in some more child-related toys, goodies. If you have more adults playing you could throw in some mini alcoholic drinks, snack foods, etc. Whatever your family and friends enjoy, throw it in there. The bigger the ball, I think the more people get into it!

The Rules

Make sure you have enough saran wrap and gather up all your treats, goodies, and prizes.

You need one pair of oven mitt gloves, a pair of dice, saran wrap, and goodies.

  1. The first person with the ball puts on the mitts and starts trying to unwrap the ball once the person to their right starts rolling the dice trying to roll doubles.
  2. Once the person rolls doubles, the mitts are passed to the next person, and so the sequence begins again.
  3. The person with the ball, DOES NOT STOP unwrapping until the person to their right rolls doubles.
  4. You keep whatever treasures you unwrap throughout the game.
  5. You can roll the dice to see who starts with the ball first (i.e Whoever rolls a 2 first)

Get creative with the gifts and goodies you put in there and also put the BEST treasure in the middle to build suspense. The bigger the ball, the better. It makes for a super fun family game, and a new Christmas tradition to start!