Why You Need to Switch to Organic Coffee!


Why You Need to Switch to Organic Coffee!

Did you know coffee beans are the MOST CONTAMINATED crop in the world?

You read that right, coffee beans are the MOST contaminated crop in the world! Most coffee beans are full of GMOs and doused in pesticides to be able to mass-produce. They grow in toxic, nutrient-depleted soil, and while on the journey from where they’re grown, mold, microorganisms, and mycotoxins often occur by the time they hit the shelves at the grocery store! Pick a brand/company where the farm sourced from doesn’t douse their beans in pesticides to keep the bugs away, and instead in a chemical-free, nutrient-rich, virgin soil! Most coffee farms saturate the ground with up to 250lbs of chemical fertilizer per acre! What makes this problem even worse is that once you grind up beans that have chemical residue on them and add hot water, you concentrate those chemicals into your cup of joe. Mind blown. Doing this a few times a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks for “x” amount of years, can wreak havoc on your health and body.   

The roast of the bean also matters. The darker the roast means that more of the healthy antioxidants are burnt away. Bags of coffee also can sit on the shelf for months and months, which leads to oxidation. That’s why so many of the bags of coffee sold in grocery stores taste so dull, burnt, and stale! I find that the best tasting cups of coffee are freshly ground coffee beans, and made by the cup. I also like the routine and process of grinding the beans, and a slow percolating coffee pot. Slow percolating pots taste more flavorful and not so watery. You just have to do some trial and error to see which pot works best for you.

The mass production of coffee also results in a carcinogenic product. It blows my mind that so many of the brands out there, sell carcinogenic coffee, which can lead to so many health problems and concerns. Especially when drunk on a daily basis, and 2-3 times per day. Drinking conventional coffee every day, especially multiple cups a day, puts you at risk for painful full-body inflammation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and kidney diseases (linked to mycotoxins), among other health ailments. 

Most coffee beans (98%) are grown with the sun beating down on them. This directly harms the natural maturation of the beans, and their rich & complex flavors! Only 2% of the world’s coffee beans are shade-grown, which means that no pesticides are needed. This is what also gives your morning cup of coffee that wonderful, smooth and clean taste. It makes for a clean, crisp, and soothing cup every morning. 

Now Onto the Health Benefits of Organic Coffee

Hot Lattes are my FAV way to have coffee!

10 Benefits of Organic Coffee

  • Coffee contains antioxidants & other substances that may reduce internal inflammation
  • Protects against diseases
  • Contains Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Magnesium, Niacin, Potassium, Manganese
  • Natural brain stimulator
  • Prevent diabetes
  • Healthier liver
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
  • Suppresses appetite, great to drink black while fasting
  • Burns fat 
  • Wards off some types of cancers