Why You Need To Start Dry Brushing


Why You Need To Start Dry Brushing

We brush our hair, we brush our teeth, but are you dry brushing your body?

What is dry brushing? Dry Brushing is exactly what it sounds like, brushing your body with a dry brush in particular motions typically before you shower. I like to start at my feet and work my way up my body, brushing towards my heart.

I’ve been Dry Brushing for years, as it is a great way to gently exfoliate the body, rid your body of toxins, and makes your skin feel so smooth!

People have been Dry Brushing since ancient times from the Greeks to the Japanese, they have practiced Dry Brushing for its many benefits to cleanse and beautify the skin!

Here is the Dry Brush I use for my body, and my face! I also got a long-handle brush at TJ Maxx on clearance for like $2 because I simply cannot pass a good deal up, but you can find good Dry Brushes at Target, Walmart, Tj Maxx, Marshalls, and of course online! Most are also pretty inexpensive too, which is bomb for the pockets, lol!

I love the control I have with the short handle brushes!

Benefits of Dry Brushing

Stimulates the Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System is made up of organs, lymph nodes, ducts, and vessels that help to transport lymph throughout the body. Lymph is a fluid derived from body tissues that contain white blood cells and circulate throughout the Lymphatic System and acts to remove bacteria and certain proteins from the tissues. Your skin plays a vital part in helping to detoxify the body, so you want to keep it healthy so it can do its job. Continuously Dry Brushing helps to eliminate waste, toxins, and dead skin cells from the body.

Regularly doing this will ultimately keep your Lymphatic System from becoming stagnant, and this will in turn help to prevent you from becoming sick! Keeping your skin healthy in turn helps to keep you healthy, as this maintenance reduces the amount of inflammation in the body, and gives your body a great pathway to eliminate the toxins and junk.

Exfoliates Dead Skin

The process of gently running natural, firm bristles over your skin helps to loosen and remove dry/dead skin cells, producing softer skin. I’ve noticed over time from Dry Brushing that it gives me a bit of a natural glow as well since it’s overturning my dull/dead skin! Hello, YES PLEASE!! You do want to be careful and not tear or break open your skin, causing abrasions.

Cleans & Unclog Pores

Over time your skin gets clogged with impurities, environmental toxins and chemicals, pollutants, dead skin cells, and cosmetics (which is also why it’s super important to use clean cosmetics!). This then in return causes your Liver and Kidneys to work overtime in filtering all of the junk out of your body. Dry Brushing unclogs your pores, and this allows your body to best absorb the nutrients it needs. An added bonus is it makes your pores smaller!

Offers Stress Relief

I always look forward to Dry Brushing, as it feels so good and I love the instantaneous satisfaction it gives me, feeling how soft it makes my skin, haha! It’s a super cheap alternative to getting a massage and offers similar benefits. It’s relaxing, and a great way to take care of your body! If there’s something I can do to benefit my health, reduce stress, and make my skin glow & only cost me pennies on the dollar, then I’m all in!

Stimulates Blood Circulation

This is MAJOR. Once lymph circulates to the cells, it returns to the bloodstreams, where the white blood cells then fight off toxins. This directly benefits your heart health as well. It’s crucial to have optimal blood circulation throughout your body. It speeds up the circulation process while it decreases the workload of the body. This means more oxygenated blood reaches your skin

My Experience Dry Brushing

I have Dry Brushed my body (and face) for years. For me, it’s such an easy thing to keep in my routine. I do it right before I hop in the shower, and I have truly seen the difference it’s made for my skin. My skin is more supple, soft, and glowy! It’s cheap, effective, and fast, so it’s a no-brainer, haha! Once I get out of the shower and apply my lotion or creams, my skin feels like a baby’s bottom. I like to use a short handle for my body, and a long handle to reach the hard to get areas on my back.

If you Dry Brush, what is your favorite benefit you’ve experienced from it?!